SASSA Care Dependency Grant (CDG) For Children With Disabilities
No doubt, it is a difficult job to take care of a child with a disability, especially when financial strain is added, it can become overwhelming for caregivers. Therefore, the government of South Africa came up with a solution in the form of SASSA Care Dependency Grant. This grant provides financial support to ensure children with disabilities receive the proper care they need.
What is the issue? The issue is that most people are unaware of the CDG grant application process. It results in the rejection of the application and eventually missing out on a vital amount of R2190. In this article, we will discuss every aspect of this government support. Read this article till the end to find out what you need to know to receive this grant.

What is Care Dependency Grant in South Africa?
This grant is a financial aid provided by SASSA, which is given to parents, foster families, and primary caregivers of children who have physical or mental impairment. The support ensures that these children receive the care and attention they need despite their disability.
It aims to help cover the cost associated with a child’s special needs. It includes medical care, specialized equipment, and other necessary services. By alleviating the financial burden, the government allows families to focus on providing the best possible care to their loved ones.
Who Qualifies for Care Dependency Grant?
The complete list of SASSA care dependency grant eligibility criteria in 2025 is given below:
Means Test Criteria
Social Assistance is subject to means testing in South Africa. Through this, SASSA evaluates the earnings of the person applying for the grant. It determines whether a person’s means are below a stipulated amount because the assistance is meant for those who have insufficient means to support themselves.
- For Single (Parent/ Primary Care Giver): R 261,600 per year income
- For Married (Parent/ Primary Care Giver): R 523,200 per year income
Necessary Documents to Apply
You have to attach the following original documents or certified copies with the application form:
How to Apply for Care Dependency Grant?
Follow the below steps to apply for this financial aid:
Tip: The application process is free. You do not need to pay money. The medical officer must assess the child before the grant is approved.
How Much is Care Dependency Grant in 2025?
The amount of this grant is R 2190 per month. In April 2024, SASSA increased the amount of this grant by R90 making a new total of R2180. SASSA also announced that there will be an increase of R10 from October 2024. So, from Oct 2024 the child care dependency grant amount will be R2190.
How Will You Be Paid?
SASSA provides the grant to you through one of the following methods of payment.
Tip: You can give someone power of attorney or appoint a procurator at the SASSA office to collect money.
When May the Child’s Disability Grant be Reviewed?
SASSA decides when the grant will be reviewed. They will notify you 3 months before the date of review or the date on which the life certificate( a document of confirmation that you are still alive) is due.
You are required to fill this certificate every year if you receive payment through the bank. SASSA conducts home visits for bedridden beneficiaries. For refugees, a review takes place when the refugee status expires.
Suspension of Grant
Your grant will be suspended for the following reasons:
Lapsing of Grant
As per Section 27(1)(c) of the South African Constitution, every person has a right to get a social security grant if they can’t support themselves and their dependents. The child care dependency grant is one of the financial supports that SASSA provides to the public. It helps you to take better care of disabled children. The above-mentioned information will assist you in getting the grant easily.

Editor at SGC
Sifiso Andreas
Hi! I’m Sifiso Andreas, with a background as a Grant Administrator at SASSA, I bring firsthand experience and deep knowledge of social welfare programs in South Africa. My goal is to help you navigate the complexities of social grants, scholarships, and government assistance with up-to-date resources and expert guidance. Join me for the latest updates and essential information on SASSA grants.