What is a SASSA Status Check Failed and How to Resolve it?

SASSA verifies the details of applicants through different methods. They use the Department of Home Affairs to cross-match the data of all the grant recipients. If you applied for a SASSA SRD grant but received an error “SASSA status check failed” or “identity verification failed”, it means there is any mistake in the provided information.

It can be a mistake like a typo in the name, surname, ID number, or phone number. By reviewing your information, you may improve your opportunities for obtaining grant payments. Let’s explore in this article the failed status, its reasons, and solutions.

SASSA Status check Failed

How do I Fix Identity Verification Failed on SASSA?

What to do if SASSA status check failed? Follow this easy guideline to resolve status check issues, like “Status check failed or Identity verification failed SASSA”.

Identify the Cause

  • First of all, review the details given by the SASSA about your application failure.
  • Contact SASSA to identify the cause if it is unclear.

Gather Needed Documents

  • Now gather the required documents to resolve the issue. 
  • For instance, if there is an issue of incorrect ID details, provide correct verified IDs. If missing forms, submit completed ones. 
  • Make sure all new documents contain accurate information.

Submit Corrections

  • Re-submit the application having updated information through the same procedure you used earlier. 
  • If you applied online, login to the website, correct the errors, and re-submit the amended application. If you applied physically, then deliver in-person or mail-corrected versions. If the information was simply missing the first time, you can provide supplements.

Follow Up on Re-Submitted Application

  • Did you submit your correct information? Confirm whether SASSA received the updated application or not. 
  • Monitor the status of the application regularly if it is processing well or still failing.
  • If it is still failing, you may need to do additional corrections without giving up.

Note: Persistence is the key to overcoming failed status. You must pay attention to all the given instructions.

SASSA Status Check Failed Appeal for Reconsideration

Make an appeal for your SRD grant application by following these steps:

  • Go to the official website to get SASSA status check failed appeal form.
  • Enter your ID number. 
  • Provide your phone number.
  • Click the “submit” button to appeal for the grant payment. 
  • Your appeal request is submitted, and now you need to check your status regularly.

Why Does My SASSA Status Check Say Failed?

Questions arise like “when I check my SASSA status it says failed” and it is normal. There are some common reasons behind SASSA status check for r350 / r370 failed:

why does my sassa status check say failed

SASSA R370 Identity Verification Failed: It is a reason that happens due to a typing error or providing wrong information. Make sure to enter an accurate identity card, phone number, banking details, and other necessary documents.

Incomplete Information: This error occurs due to submitting an incomplete grant form. As a result, your SASSA status failed and your application for the SRD grant was denied.

Failed Eligibility Criteria: SASSA sets rules and requirements for every grant, and if the applicant does not meet the specific criteria, this problem happens. For instance, if you apply for a SASSA SRD grant, the major requirement is that you must not have income more than R624.

Banking details: Your bank details are also the major cause behind the decline of your grant application by SASSA. When your account is no longer active or you put the wrong branch code or account number, it leads towards rejection.

Technical issue: Sometimes SASSA status check failed due to some technical errors on the official website. It may be possible that the official website is under maintenance or experiencing high traffic.

Waiting period: The status may not be updated right away after making changes to your SASSA phone number for your application. We recommend waiting for 30 days to allow for the processing of your updated application.

Holding a job: This is a prompt reason for application rejection. Many applicants are working in government institutes while applying to SASSA; the department rejects the application.It is because the applicant is already registered for a government-funded grant and further applied for a SASSA grant.

Tips for Avoiding Failed SASSA Status Check

To avoid repeated errors, have a look at some tips:

  • Complete every section of the application and attach the required documents.
  • Double check all the details for accuracy. 
  • Provide available contact information so SASSA can access you easily.
  • Attend all the scheduled appointments, and if unavoidable conflicts occur, reschedule them.
  • If you see anything unclear, follow the instructions.

Exploring Alternative Support If Failure Persists

Emergency support options are available. Your application issues are not resolved despite your best efforts.

  • Contact local charity organizations to provide urgent food, housing, financial relief, etc.
  • Religious groups and shelters offer basic necessities to the public.
  • Family, friends, or community members that are able to assist you informally.
  • Municipal disaster relief special grants are available for declared local emergency zones.
  • Get distress funds through schools, clinics, or social organizations.


Ensuring your SASSA grant application is accurate and complete is crucial for receiving the financial assistance you need. If your SASSA Status Check failed, don’t lose hope. By following the steps outlined in this article—identifying the cause, submitting corrections, and appealing if necessary—you can resolve the issue and secure your benefits.

Remember, persistence and attention to detail are key to overcoming these challenges. If problems persist, consider alternative support options while you work toward resolving your application. Stay informed, proactive, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed—your grant is within reach!


It means your application is no longer in the approval or processing stage.

You can reach out for assistance: Call the SASSA national support line at 0800 60 1011; visit or email your nearest SASSA regional office; or pay for an hour of consultation with a private lawyer to review the case.

Yes, you can appeal if your SASSA application shows failed status repeatedly. It does so even after attempting to provide updated and accurate information.

Failed status means your application could not be processed or verified as submitted, but gaps can possibly be addressed. However, rejection means your application was fully processed and reviewed but did not meet the approval criteria.

Sifiso Andreas

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